~/blog$ render faiz.blog.ezsamsat


Tuesday, 02 May 2017 22:03:26 WIB | tags: website, portfolio | 379 hits | 0 comment(s)


Based on personal experience, the process to extend the annual vehicle tax and changing the ownership of the vehicle in Samsat is an almost useless effort. If the customers don’t come early in the morning, it’s almost guaranteed that all of their efforts will be wasted. The queue is long and not in order. And what make it worse, is the service from them. The procedure and the instruction that was given by them is not clear and very confusing. In conclusion, we can say that the process to extend the annual vehicle tax and changing the ownership of the vehicle in Samsat is Kafkaesque.

Therefore, we are compelled to find a solution to solve this troublesome problem by proposing online system that can be used to help this process. We limit its scope in this process because we already knew how it works. This online system that we have designed is not the same as the existing one that used ATM because there are some differences in functionality.

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~/blog$ render faiz.blog.administrasi-keuangan

Administrasi Keuangan

Thursday, 26 January 2017 22:46:20 WIB | tags: website, portfolio | 422 hits | 0 comment(s)

Administrasi KeuanganBojongsoang University merupakan perguruan tinggi swasta yang terletak di daerah kabupaten Bandung Selatan, pada saat ini perguruan tinggi tersebut membutuhkan perangkat lunak untuk mengelola bagian keuangan, karena masih melakukan aktifitasnya dengan sistem manual. Aktifitas tersebut berupa transaksi belanja, transaksi penerimaan, penulisan jurnal, penulisan laporan bulanan, tutup buku, dan posting. Dikarenakan data yang akan diolah terhitung banyak, dikhawatirkan akan terjadi sebuah kesalahan dalam proses pengolahan data tersebut maka oleh karena itu dibutuhkan sebuah aplikasi administrasi keuangan berbentuk website untuk membantu mengelola keuangan di perguruan tinggi tersebut.

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