~/blog$ render faiz.blog.building-vm-inventory-#1:-paramiko

Building VM Inventory #1: Paramiko

Sunday, 25 August 2024 01:13:44 WIB | tags: tips, python, gcp, vm-inventory | 218 hits | 0 comment(s)

Building VM Inventory #1: Paramiko

Ever wondered how to pull together a VM inventory when you've got a bunch of VMs? I’ve found myself asking this question a few times, so I decided to check out a few tools that might help. This post is the first in a series where I'll dive into different ways to gather basic VM info, like hostname and OS version. In this first post, I will use Paramiko library in Python application and see how I can use this to solve my problem. In the exploration, I will deploy 3 VMs in a cloud environment, which consists of one main server and two client servers.

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~/blog$ render faiz.blog.tl;dr-for-google-professional-cloud-security-engineer-exam

TL;DR for Google Professional Cloud Security Engineer Exam

Friday, 26 July 2024 00:00:58 WIB | tags: tips, gcp, security | 190 hits | 0 comment(s)

TL;DR for Google Professional Cloud Security Engineer Exam

Early last year, I spent my Chinese New Year long holiday with something productive: pursuing the learning path for Google Professional Cloud Security Engineer (PCSE). While I did that, I compiled my learning process along with some useful resources related to the exam, stored deep in a multi-layered folder somewhere in my Google Drive. One and a half years later --last Sunday--, I stumbled upon this note and thought: this might help whoever to conquer the PCSE exam. Although the modules might be different today, the big concept should stay relevant.

PCSE certification validates your expertise in designing, implementing, and managing secure workloads on Google Cloud Platform (GCP). This certification demonstrates your ability to safeguard sensitive data and ensure regulatory compliance within the GCP ecosystem.

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