~/blog$ render faiz.blog.playing-with-css-(and-more):-re-re-re-re-revamping-the-notebook

Playing with CSS (and more): re-re-re-re-revamping the notebook

Saturday, 18 January 2025 23:09:52 WIB | tags: web, css, cicd, gdrive | 77 hits | 0 comment(s)

Holiday was just right at the door, I had a pile of unread books and tons of unplayed games on Steam. What did I do instead? Correct, revamping the notebook [re: nickname of this blog] for the I-lost-my-count times 😎. So the reason for another revamping is because I felt the design was too mundane (which I intended to make, since I felt the even previous version was too decorated haha) and didn’t show my true character. So I spent days searching for a true self unique personal website design, but online references mostly only have the classic portfolio layout where it has a big picture of the site owner as the landing page (like how this notebook used to be a few years back) and the rest of the page are standard website layout. 

But then, I remembered I saw a fully functioning Windows XP-themed website (too bad I can’t remember the website) and thought, hmm, my old friends know me as the computer expert (even I'm not that expert, but they ask for my help when their Instagram accounts are hacked!), I have a Computer Science degree, and I work in the IT field with Macbook as the daily driver. Probably a Macbook and terminal-themed design suits me well! Thus, I added exploring the CSS to mimic the terminal UI as one of the action items of the ongoing notebook refactor project. The project itself already started around July last year when I decided to be actively writing again, and apart of revamping the design, I also configured the CI pipeline and created a bash script to do a daily backup to Google Drive.

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~/blog$ render faiz.blog.spelling-based-search-engine-for-quran-deployed-it-and-routed-with-nginx

Spelling-based Search Engine for Quran. Deployed it, and routed with nginx!

Tuesday, 12 November 2024 03:03:11 WIB | tags: python, search-engine, web | 129 hits | 0 comment(s)

Back in college, I managed to finish my final project in less than two weeks leaving me plenty of free time. Once my friends found out about this, they started knocking at my door, desperate for help with their own projects (okay, a bit dramatic, but you get the idea!). Intrigued with the opportunity to learn about many unknown, scientifically-unique projects, I officially opened a workshop in my house. 

I helped both in technical things (re: code) as well as report writing. Disclaimer: as far as I understood, I didn’t cross any ethical lines as most of the time I’d guide them with suggestions, sometimes contribute a bit of code, but never do everything for them, and foremost I made sure my friend understood what they created & wrote. This was a labor of friendship, not profit—my “payment” was often cakes or, more commonly, a mandatory FIFA match as part of the consultation deal. One of the most interesting projects is my wife’s (then girlfriend), which is to build a search engine for Quran verses, but the queries and the verses need to be normalized with Indonesian-spelling first. Made with PHP 6 years ago together with my wife, now, I have decided to re-write it into Python as this is my most starred (re: 2 stars) GitHub repo yet!

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~/blog$ render faiz.blog.cari-ayat

Cari Ayat

Sunday, 15 July 2018 00:03:53 WIB | tags: portfolio, web | 87 hits | 0 comment(s)

Cari Ayat adalah aplikasi search engine untuk mencari potongan ayat Al-Quran, dimana keyword yang digunakan adalah pelafalan orang Indonesia (dengan berdasarkan pada algoritma Soundex). Sedangkan pemeringkatan tingkat persamaan query dengan data menggunakan cosine similarity.

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~/blog$ render faiz.blog.ezsamsat


Tuesday, 02 May 2017 22:03:26 WIB | tags: website, portfolio | 379 hits | 0 comment(s)


Based on personal experience, the process to extend the annual vehicle tax and changing the ownership of the vehicle in Samsat is an almost useless effort. If the customers don’t come early in the morning, it’s almost guaranteed that all of their efforts will be wasted. The queue is long and not in order. And what make it worse, is the service from them. The procedure and the instruction that was given by them is not clear and very confusing. In conclusion, we can say that the process to extend the annual vehicle tax and changing the ownership of the vehicle in Samsat is Kafkaesque.

Therefore, we are compelled to find a solution to solve this troublesome problem by proposing online system that can be used to help this process. We limit its scope in this process because we already knew how it works. This online system that we have designed is not the same as the existing one that used ATM because there are some differences in functionality.

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~/blog$ render faiz.blog.administrasi-keuangan

Administrasi Keuangan

Thursday, 26 January 2017 22:46:20 WIB | tags: website, portfolio | 422 hits | 0 comment(s)

Administrasi KeuanganBojongsoang University merupakan perguruan tinggi swasta yang terletak di daerah kabupaten Bandung Selatan, pada saat ini perguruan tinggi tersebut membutuhkan perangkat lunak untuk mengelola bagian keuangan, karena masih melakukan aktifitasnya dengan sistem manual. Aktifitas tersebut berupa transaksi belanja, transaksi penerimaan, penulisan jurnal, penulisan laporan bulanan, tutup buku, dan posting. Dikarenakan data yang akan diolah terhitung banyak, dikhawatirkan akan terjadi sebuah kesalahan dalam proses pengolahan data tersebut maka oleh karena itu dibutuhkan sebuah aplikasi administrasi keuangan berbentuk website untuk membantu mengelola keuangan di perguruan tinggi tersebut.

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